Our reasearch start at beginning of the year 2000 at the "Ear, nose and throat" Department of

the Leoben Hospital we started with the application of TMA-Z (tribomechanically activated zeolite) in tumor patients at our Department, then still dealing with insufficient knowledge of the institutional research by "Ruđer Bošković". According to the technical-technological information by the  TMA-Z manufacturer, the company of Tribomin International., Osijek, Croatia, the Megamin  Activ products from the Megamin group are specially prepared food which showing strong antioxidant activity and stimulating the immune system in the organisms of healthy and sick persons.

The main raw material for the production of the preparations shown below is a rocky mineral of volcanic origin - clinoptolite known as a natural ion exchanger belonging to the zeolite mineral group.

During the production process this natural mineral is subjected to the process of tribomechanical micronization, by which reactivity and the known natural characteristics of that mineral are increased.

Other natural ingredients known for their beneficial effect such as calcium, magnesium, pollen and/or dried nettle are added to the mineral,

With Megamin Activ products you can ultimatly detoxificate your bodi in 24h.