Megamineral Liycopen+OPC+C

Megamineral Liycopen+OPC+C
Packaging: 400 mg MEGAMINERAL – Lycopen + OPC + C® packed in transparent capsules per 400 mg 150 capsules in a Polyethylene (PEHD) bottle with security thread closure.

Application: Oral application

Instructions for use: take 1 capsule 3 times a day, preferably 30 min before the meal.


Packaging: 400 mg Lycopen packed in transparent capsule.
150 capsules In a Polyethylene (PEHD) bottle with security thread closure.
Application: Oral application
Instructions for use: Take 1 capsule with liquid three times a day
Effects: - All active components of Lycopen + OPC + Vit C are well-known natural antioxidants, with a combined synergic effect.
Their effect is additionally enhanced by the tribomineral activation.
- The product instantly eliminates oxidative stress and neutralizes acids created in the body (especially in muscles) as a result of intensive
physical exertion or outside influences.
- Refreshing effect of the product on the body is very strong and especially effective in reducing side effects of chronic disease therapies.

Informations complémentaires

Informations complémentaires

Capsules 60
Type of Packaging Bottles

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